
The Enviro-Vac Blogs offer a variety of in depth information about dealing with asbestos, lead, industrial vacuum services and many other hazardous materials.

Did you know?

- Transport of asbestos must be done by specially licensed and trained companies.

Disposal of asbestos must be done at approved facilities. 

- It is illegal for an individual or company to handle, transport or dispose of friable asbestos without a special waste transport license. If you require asbestos removal, you must call the professionals.

- Due dilligence: Owners of a building or facility are responsible for ensuring that asbestos is properly and safely managed from the time it is identified through to its final disposal following abatement.

As of January 1, 2024, handling & disposing of asbestos in BC in commercial renovations is now regulated & requires training & certification. Read more here.
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It is impossible to know if there is asbestos in a house or commercial building that was built before 2000 without calling in licensed asbestos surveyors to assess and test. Read more here.
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Can Asbestos Be Removed in the Winter?
November 27th, 2023 | in Asbestos
Asbestos can safely be removed at all times of the year with the use of a negative pressure environment & building shrink-wrapping. Read more here.
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Enviro-vac can help