
The Importance of Safe Decommissioning

May 25th, 2015 | in Abatement Services

When it comes time to decommission certain sites, such as power plants, pulp mills, mines, military bases, military ships, ferries or industrial facilities, it needs to be done with great amount of care and attention. It doesn't matter what the facility was used for up until decommissioning - whether it was an oil refinery, a manufacturing plant, or a military vessel. Once the decommissioning project gets underway, the work needs to be done with safety and security as top priorities. 

If you are in the preliminary stages of planning a decommission or abatement project call us to discuss how we can help. We recognize the value in early project participation and are available to assist clients in developing comprehensive decontamination strategies, programs and budgets. Our 35+ years of wide-ranging decontamination and abatement experience can offer valuable insight and can recognize potential for unidentified risk as well as provide a rigorous but practical decontamination and abatement approach that will provide the highest guarantee of success for each project. 

Infrastructure, just like living beings, have a life cycle. That is why it is of the greatest importance to hire only the best and most qualified company you can. Enviro-Vac is a leading provider of innovative and cost-effective decontamination and hazardous materials abatement solutions necessary prior to decommissioning or dismantlement and recently completed a two-year arsenic trioxide and asbestos decontamination project in Canada's sub-arctic - an abandoned mine that is considered to be Canada's most contaminated site.

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Enviro-vac can help