Have maritime asbestos removal jobs completed in a professional manner
Asbestos use was extremely high in maritime applications between the 1940s and 1980, which means that much of the world’s shipping fleets contain at least some vessels that have asbestos containing materials in them. Many materials contain asbestos, from insulation, deck screed, paint to adhesives to paint. It doesn’t combust and it’s very strong. But the downside of asbestos is now well understood and the removal of asbestos is strongly encouraged, as long as it’s done cleanly, without endangering workers or causing damage to the environment. This work requires specific skills, technology, and experience.
Although the effects of asbestos have been understood for a few decades, it’s only recently that some countries have enacted laws against the use of asbestos including marine applications. Add to that the fact that each country has their own laws - or has no laws - around the use of asbestos and the problem is clearly significant.
For anyone that is interested in removing asbestos from a ship or shipyard, the work must be done with the utmost care. The dangers of asbestos include fatal diseases such as mesothelioma and lung cancer.
Removal od asbestos requires proper equipment for securing the area so that asbestos doesn’t blow or wash away, and it requires safety gear for anyone working on the abatement project. Especially with maritime abatement projects, safety equipment and precautions are paramount to doing the job correctly.
To avoid the dangers of asbestos in a maritime setting, it is best to remove any known asbestos as soon as possible, in the safest manner possible.