
Fires - Toxic Ash, Heavy Metals Dust & Asbestos Debris Cleanup

August 13th, 2024 | in Abatement Services
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Fires--Toxic Ash & Asbestos Debris Cleanup

Fires can destroy pressure treated and engineered wood, metal pipes, roofing, steel beams, and more. Asbestos as an example is used in over 3,000 building materials. Other common building materials include lead coatings, mercury, PCBs, stored chemicals and more. Fire releases these hazardous elements and chemicals into the air, ash, water and ground where if not properly abated and cleaned up, can pose health and environmental threats for many years.

Asbestos and other toxic waste such as ash that is not properly managed for treatment or disposal can expose not only the demolition company's workers but workers at the disposal facility to hazards. A fire or natural disater site should be examined by professionals specifically for the existence of asbestos and other hazardous materials before cleanup workers or demolition crews access a site ensuring that none of the dangerous mineral is present.

Industrial sized and specialized decontamination equipment

Enviro-Vac provides solutions for hazardous materials abatement and decontamination of various types of toxic materials that can be encountered during the aftermath of a natural disaster such as a major fire. Decontamination equipment includes large industrial vacuum loaders and automated baggers, portable decontamination trailers as well as skid mounted units, abrasive blasters, negative air pressure systems and much more.

We provide special waste handling and disposition of toxic debris and ash from packaging through transportation and final disposal. Our services include erection and installation of engineered shrink-wrap containment enclosures when required for high-risk decontamination and protection from the elements.

Fires and asbestos contamination, asbestos cleanup

Asbestos is one of the most heat-resistant substances known to man, yet it can be highly toxic when it is fragmented or made friable by fire. A large number of buildings constructed prior to 1990 were built with asbestos and lead containing materials. During a natural disaster where buildings and other structures are destroyed or badly damaged, construction materials containing asbestos can be released and become extremely hazardous, as they break apart into very tiny and dangerous fibers.  In fact, individual fibers can be hundreds of times smaller than a human hair and once released into the air, they may stay suspended there for hours or even days.

Hazardous materials abatement is our business, and we are available to help you if you need an experienced decontamination company.

Enviro-Vac is one of the oldest privately owned environmental contractors in Canada. They offer full suite of services in hazardous materials abatement and decontamination including shrink- wrap containments and are available to work both small and large- scale projects across Canada. The head office is based in Surrey, BC.

If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about hazardous materials abatement, decontamination or shrink-wrap solutions, please call us on our toll-free number, (888) 296-2499.

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