Cold Weather Containment Systems for the Canadian Winter
Asbestos or toxic dust containment and abatement is a challenging task in the best of conditions. Sending a highly-trained crew of experienced workers into a life-threatening situation presents numerous hazards. Ensuring that the dust and debris is removed and doesn’t enter the surrounding environment is an ongoing concern that doesn’t end until the final day of the job.
When you add a Canadian winter into the equation, all those challenges, problems, and concerns become much greater.
Usually, when faced with removing asbestos and toxic dust in an outdoor or cold environment, companies will rely on an engineered scaffold and shrink-wrap containment. A thick layer of thermo plastic is cut, wrapped and shrunk drum tight around the structure that is being decontaminated, and then heat-welded into place so that it clings tightly to the surface.
Now imagine doing all of this in temperatures far below freezing and with fiercely-strong winds whipping against the structure. Any plastic cover must be amazingly strong to withstand the beating it will take from the winds and cold of a Canadian winter.
Enviro-Vac uses the best cold weather containment system available today. This Weather Wrap, made of a specially formulated high density polyethylene that is fire-rated and is seamless which stops the winds from tearing the shrink-wrap cover apart, like poly tarps and other forms of containment that can cost so much more in the long run.
No matter what you need abated, whether it be at a construction site, an old mine, or an office building, Enviro-Vac can bring their experience and expertise to ensure that your site is clean and safe, no matter what the weather outside.